The Museum School of Avondale Estates has been named one of the top performing middle schools in the state by the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals (GASSP). The association selected the school as a 2016 Breakout School and also selected it for a Distinguished Middle School Breakout Award. The Distinguished Middle School Breakout Award recognizes The Museum School as one of the higher achieving schools honored at this year’s GASSP award event, held Oct. 31, in Savannah, Ga.
GASSP’s Breakout School Award is designed to identify, recognize and showcase Georgia middle schools that are high achieving or dramatically improving student achievement.
“We are honored to receive this special recognition,” said Museum School Principal Katherine Kelbaugh. “I applaud our middle school students, their teachers and our partners for their great work in achieving such a high level of academic excellence. This recognition is further proof that our innovative museum-based educational model, which promotes discovery and hands-on exploration, continues to drive student performance.”
The school was selected, in part, by documenting its proven success in implementing strategies aligned with GASSP’s three core areas of achievement, which include: collaborative leadership; personalization; and curriculum, instruction and assessment.
The other Distinguished Middle School Breakout Award winners are The STEM Academy and Snellville Middle School. The other Breakout Schools are Brantley County Middle School, Eighth Street Middle School and Thompson Middle School.