Exhibit Night is a special time at The Museum School: You never know who or what you’ll find on display!

Four times a year, our school becomes a Museum, open to students, parents and the community.  On these exciting nights, the students become Docents, walking visitors through the exhibits and answering questions about their learning.

You might also find our students re-enacting pivotal moments in history, conducting science experiments and showing off their work. From hand-crafted zoos and rain forest models, to sun dials, gravity rooms, a student garden, and so much more!

These kind of demonstrations also have an enormous impact on students’ education.  Not only are they sharing what they studied for the previous 9-week unit as mini-specialists in that field, but they are also developing public speaking skills… all of which help cement learning and enhance the overall experience of The Museum School.

Watch Now: What is Exhibit Night?

Join us at an upcoming Exhibit Night:

Unit 1:
A Day in the Life

October 8 & 9, 2025

Unit 2:
Into the Wild

December 17 & 18, 2025

Unit 3:
Our World

March 11 & 12, 2026

Unit 4:
Moving Along

May 14 & 15, 2025