Welcome 8th Grade Parents! Use this page as a guide for course selection and registration information for Druid Hills High School. DHHS is the only high school with which TMS has reciprocal registrar relationship.

DHHS Counseling Department
DHHS Counselors:
- Tanya Henderson, Counselor (A-Em)
[email protected] - Carla Brown, Head Counselor (En-Ja)
[email protected] - Robin Wesley, Counselor (Jb-Q)
[email protected] - Takiedra White, Counselor (R-Z)
[email protected]
Sheena Diaz, TMS Middle School Counselor
[email protected]
Looking for other high schools?
Use this guide to browse additional public and private high school options. Click here to request a TMS transcript.
High School Transition Night Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, January 16th at 6:30 PM
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 250 044 403 758
Passcode: C9n7WN
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Phone Conference ID: 416 046 724#
IB Program at DHHS
Informational Session at TMS
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 6:30. Brett Flater, IB Coordinator at Druid Hills HS will be at TMS to share information about DHHS, the IB Program, and to provide any application assistance needed. Please review the below links.
- DSA Admissions
- DHHS Admissions
IB Application Meetings
Dekalb County School District’s school choice application window opens on January 5th and closes on February 9th. The IB prep and IB Diploma Programme are both school choice programs offered at Druid Hills High School. During the application window, we welcome any current or potential DHHS families who think they might be interested in applying to the IB programs to attend any or all of the following events. Through the series of events, we hope students and families get a clear understanding of what the IB program is, why it is unique, and whether it would be a good fit for you. LEARN MORE
Important Dates
If you plan to apply to DeKalb’s School Choice program, TMS recommends you begin that process now.
The 2024-2025 open enrollment window for DeKalb School Choice is January 5th – February 9th.
School Choice
The DeKalb County School Choice application opened on January 5th and will close on February 9th.
To apply for the IB program at Druid Hills, two applications need to be completed entirely.
- DeKalb School Choice Application- https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-choice/
- IB website- https://sites.google.com/view/dhhsib/home?authuser=0
- Direct Link to IB Prep Application- https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/documents/school-choice/2023-2024/ib-preparatory-application-grades-9-10-updated.pdf
**Both the School Choice application and the IB Prep application must be completed by February 9th**
Please note:
- If your student is not zoned for Druid Hills High School, the only way for them to attend is by applying and being admitted into the IB program. If this is your family’s situation and you need guidance, please reach out to Mrs. Diaz.
- Even if you are zoned for Druid Hills High School, you must still complete the DeKalb School Choice application and the IB Prep Application if you plan to participate in the IB program.
IB Coordinators: [email protected]
Brett Flater: [email protected]
The transition to high school is often confusing and complex. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Diaz. She is happy to help!
Sheena Diaz
Middle School Counselor
[email protected]
DHHS Course Selection Sample Checklist
DHHS 9th Grade Course Registration:
For 9th Grade, students will select one credit each of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Additional selections can include a language, PE, or Pathway Electives to total 8 credits for the year. DHHS is on a block schedule: 4 courses 1st semester, 4 courses 2nd semester. Students need 24 credits by the end of Senior year to graduate.
Freshman Year Core Classes
Choose one each of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
- English: Literature/Composition 9th or Accelerated Literature/Composition 9th
- Math: Algebra I, Coordinate Algebra, or Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry
- Science: Biology, AP Biology, or Environmental Science
- Social Studies: American Government/ Civics, or AP Government
2 credits (semesters) of Physical Education are required for graduation, but one may be exempt through validated full-year participation in DeKalb County School District sponsored athletics, marching band, dance, and/or JROTC.
World Language requirements for graduation depends on the type of diploma.
- College Preparatory Seal: 2 units of the same language
- Career Technology Seal: 1 units
- Honors/Distinction Seal: 3 units of the same language
Students are required to select elective courses based on an area of concentration with a minimum of three credits for either career technology humanities pathway. Career Technology units must be in one of the following pathways: Business, Digital/Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Food, JROTC, or Engineering. A Humanities Pathway include the following areas: World Language, Fine Arts, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, ELA, or Social Studies
Curriculum Offerings
International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP), GiDed, Advanced (Accel) and General classes are available in each academic area—language arts, math, science, social studies and world language. The school also offers a full complement of classes in health and PE, the fine arts, and career technology. IB and AP classes are college-level classes. Gifted and Accelerated classes are rigorous, exceeding grade-level norms. General classes reflect the grade-level norm.
IB Program
- International Baccalaureate, offering a chance to earn a rigorous, internationally recognized diploma. College credit available. Learn more
- College level classes offer a “world view” and all courses interconnect (think: unit study at TMS). Schedule is predetermined, with minimal opportunity for electives or changes. Starts in 11th grade; students can opt out at any time, but cannot opt in after 10th grade. Heavy on writing and homework. Highly desirable for college admissions.
- Pre-IB Requirements:
- IB entrance by application only
- 3 semesters language
- Economics (required for high school diploma, but not offered within IB program)
- Advanced Placement (coursework only, not a designated diploma)
- Rigorous coursework with opportunities for college credit, based on AP exam scores. No set schedule, more flexibility for electives. Highly desirable for college admissions.
- AP classes can be chosen individually, based on ability or interest. Two semesters of language required for graduation, or three for honors diploma seal.
Dual Enrollment
- College courses for college credit, usually off campus, with the opportunity to earn an Associate’s Degree in conjunction with the High School diploma
- 9th grade NOT eligible
- Learn more
- Above grade standard level
- No college credit, and not heavily weighted in college admissions process
General Diploma
- Standard, grade-level coursework. All core classes, plus electives.
School Choice
- Only necessary if you live outside DHHS zones, or are interested in attending a different public high school, i.e. Lakeside
- Requirements:
- To attend DHHS as a School Choice, you must be enrolled in IB, which requires a recommendation from 8th grade teachers. Enrollment is not guaranteed, application based, and limited.
- Learn more or Register for School Choice