Instructional Assistant
Ms. Freeman currently serves as the Instructional Assistant for Ms Armstrong in 3rd Grade and Ms O’Malley in 4th Grade, originally hailing from Atlanta, where she completed her B.A. in French at Spelman College. She has lived in Washington D.C., Baltimore, Maryland, where she began teaching, the Twin Cities, and Lexington, Kentucky. She has been a classroom teacher for many years teaching French, Spanish and English, as well as parenting her 33-year-old daughter, Tatiana. She is proudest of her 7-year-old granddaughter, Marlena Rose.
In her free time, she loves to cook and eat well, travel, go to theater, museums and concerts. Uncommonly known, she played soccer in Middle School and lettered on the varsity team at Southwest Dekalb High and spent 5 years singing in The Young Singers of Callenwolde.