The Georgia Department of Education describes a gifted student as “one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities. The abilities manifest in a collection of traits, aptitudes, and behaviors that, when taken together, are indicative of gifted potential.” (2024-2025 Georgia DOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services, p. 31, June 2024)
Additionally, the Georgia Department of Education specifies that, “LBOE (local) curricula for gifted students shall focus on developing cognitive learning, research and reference, and metacognitive skills at each grade grouping, using principles of differentiation, in one or more of the following content areas: mathematics, science, English/language arts, social studies, world languages, fine arts, and career, technical, and agricultural education ”. (2024-2025 Georgia DOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services, p. 42, June 2024).
Students in 1st through 8th grades are screened for possible gifted assessment each academic year.
Automatic Referral: Screening for testing referral includes examination of a student’s achievement data from the Fall, Winter, and Spring Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests. For students who score between 75th and 89th percentiles on MAP, we offer Iowa Assessments as an additional screener and second measure of achievement. The Museum School administers additional grade-wide screening to all first-grade students by utilizing data from the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test.
Reported Referral: Students may also be referred for assessment by teachers, caregivers, or others with knowledge of a student’s abilities. Museum School teachers complete teacher referral forms each year. Caregivers may submit the Request for Gifted Assessment form that is shared with the school community prior to each cycle of gifted assessment.
Caregivers must complete a Consent for Evaluation form before students participate in assessment.
Student assessment results are reviewed by an eligibility team. At the completion of testing, parents are notified of their child’s results and invited to schedule an eligibility conference to discuss these results.
Any student who is eligible for gifted services in a Georgia public school system is eligible for gifted services at The Museum School of Avondale Estates upon receipt of a gifted eligibility report confirming gifted qualification.
Gifted Education Services
Continuation Policies 2024-2025
2nd-7th Grades
After initial placement in gifted education services, a student may continue in the program if he or she meets two out of three of the following requirements:
- The student meets or exceeds standards in academic areas on a standards-based quarterly report.
- The student scores at or above the 90th percentile in Reading or Math on Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) at least once during the previous academic year.
- The student participates in scheduled gifted services.
8th Grade
After initial placement in gifted education services, an 8th grade student may continue receiving gifted services if he or she meets one out of three of the following requirements:
- The student maintains an average of 80% or higher in a course taught by a gifted-endorsed teacher.
- The student maintains a qualifying score in reading or math at or above the 90th percentile on Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).
- The student scores as a Distinguished Learner (Level 4) in at least one area on the most recent Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS).
If a student fails to meet at least two requirements for continuation, the student will be placed on probation for one semester. During the probationary period, student goals will be identified. At the end of the semester, a determination will be made. If a student meets the identified goals, there will be no further probation. If the student does not meet the goals, probation will continue for an additional semester without participation in the gifted program. After two consecutive semesters of probation without success, the student will be removed from the gifted program. To reenter the program, the student must be reevaluated through the gifted referral process. Parents will receive a continuation policy each academic year.