The Museum School will be hosting our annual MLK Jr. Day of Compassion Project on Jan. 20th. Students, caregivers, and school staff are invited to join together to make a difference. Youth volunteers will be making sandwiches for people in our community who are food insecure. Please sign up to bring something if you plan to attend and help make sandwiches. For those who sign up, please arrive by 10am in the TMS Cafeteria. We will make sandwiches until we run out of supplies. Sandwiches will be picked up at 12:30/1pm by The Sandwich Project.
We also will be collecting new and gently used coats at the event. If possible, please bring a new or gently used coat for our TMS coat drive. Coats may be dropped off in the front office from now until January 20th. Donated coats will be going to youth in our community who need a coat. For any questions about the MLK Jr event, please email Nicole.kautter@