Curator Circle Annual Fund

PARENT CAMPAIGN The Foundation’s inaugural 2016-2017 Curator Circle annual fund replaces the Parent Campaigns of years past. The goal of the Foundation is 100% family participation. Our participation rate is an important factor in procuring funds from other individuals, grantors, foundations and corporations. In order for others to understand the value of The Museum School, we must…

Support Garden Club During Opening Day At Avondale Estates Farmers Market: April 23rd

Support The Museum School Garden Club at Opening Day of the Avondale Estates Farmers Market! Sunday, April 23rd from 10am to 2pm N. Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Parking Lot of My Parents Basement   Students will be selling organically-grown garlic, onions, herbs, and butterfly milkweed plants (seedlings), as well as herbal lip balm…

Birdwatching Club with ​Señor Hart

A club to learn about local and migratory bird language ​and behavior. What are those sounds? All those birds! Are they just making undifferentiated random tweets and chirps? NO! All of those birds sounds have meaning! Want to learn the language of the birds? You will be amazed!. Open to all grades and ages. To…

On The Same Page This Spring

TMS is organizing another school-wide “On the Same Page” program like we did in conjunction with Little Shop of Stories in the fall.  Our themes this winter and spring are kindness and diversity. Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson Kindergarten through second grade selection This unforgettable book is written and illustrated by the award-winning team that created…